About me
C. K. is a contributor to the Chicken Soup For the Soul; Lessons I Learned From My Cat and has a comedic take on aging in her Substack Newsletter. She is also working on her first novel.
C.K. received a certificate from the Master Screenwriting program at ScreenwritingU and her comedy, PTA Wars was a finalist in two festivals. Her spiritual/family script, Emails From Heaven was a semi-finalist in the Table Read My Screenplay-Park City and semi-finalist in the International Faith and Family Screenwriting Competition.
In the early years, C.K. wrote, produced and performed “I Can Fit My Fist My Mouth,” a one-woman comedy, which received the Backstage Bistro Award (New York) and a Top Ten Best New Play in the Village View (Los Angeles). As a Screenwriter, C.K. optioned her first script, “Understanding Chekov” and won the Diane Thomas Award, organized by Amblin Entertainment and UCLA. Later, she was commissioned by the PoleStar Group to write “Sarah Porter Is Missing,” a comedy, based on an original concept she created. Her humor/gift book “You Definitely Know You’re A Mom When…” was co-authored with Pam Lobley.
C.K. has written two memoires with the Mark Travis group and received her B.F.A. from New York University. She is a happy wifey and an empty nester, still waiting for her adult kids to text back.